Real Bills and bills Clearing information. What to do?


When a group of business people decide to join forces to manufacture an article or an invention by 'financing' its production using the Real Bills Doctrine there is a loose protocol to follow.

Here is what they should do.


1/ Normally they must agree how long they think it will be before the final product is sold and the exact date and time when all participants are to receive their payment in full. But here at Real Bills for now we are using 90 days only. Together they open a new bill at the Lodge a Production Application on CashRamPatent and list their names and their company and the parts that are to be manufactured, and the completion date. Each stage of production is now one Real Bill on CashRamPatent instead of the old method with all participants together on the one bill. On very long productions such as a car manufacturing it would require a series of Real Bills for each stage of production by each participating company.

A link to their company website should also be provided.


2/ Each participant must then state how much money they require to complete their part in the manufacturing process. Provision must be made at this point for the discount rate to be included into each participant's own section of the bill. The ranges from 5% to 35%. This is to entice payment by speculators before the full payment is due. Also don't forget to include CashRamSpams 10% service fee.


3/ After that is done the owner of the primary ingredient of the incomplete article ready for manufacture (i.e. the farmers wheat) must pass that article onto the second manufacturer for them to complete the work needed going towards a finished article.


4/ The discount will be calculated daily so the buyer can see what their payout figure will be when the Real Bill is liquidated by full payment. All payments MUST be made via CashRamSpam's micro-payment system. Payments may be made only in grams of gold 99.99% pure.


5/ After the finished product is sold, any outstanding due payment is made by each paid recipient to the participant beneath them in the reverse order of the manufacturing or to the speculators that have bought the bill. Therefore the Real Bill is liquidated without the need for any bank issued credit or any other forms of credit payments which all use usury. Now even devote Muslims can speculate here as there is no Riba involved. Don't forget speculators pay no fees to CashRamSpam at any time when they purchase a Real Bill or when they sell it to another speculator. Only the original creditor pays the CRS 10% fee.


Any failure to pay the manufacturing participants their due will be a problem between manufacturing participants and their associates only. CashRamSpam can not adjudicate in any disputes between participants. CashRamSpam provides use of the Real Bills website only on these conditions.


The bill that each participant has signed on CashRamPatent is always the Real Bill and no printout is acceptable as the real bill. This online bill can only be liquidated here at CashRamPatent and only by full payment to each participant via CashRamSpam Micro-Payments.


All bills will be on view for any CashRamSpam account holder to see, any of whom may freely participate in purchasing a discountable real bill after clicking on 'Buy a discounting Real Bill' and selecting the contract from the fold down list. This is the same contract number found in the Production List search engine which also displays the name of the person who agreed to pay the full bill in 90 days. The onus is on the speculator to contact the final payer and inform them that they hold the Real Bill. The discount shown in the Real Bill is automatically calculated when the contract is viewed.


When a bill is liquidated by the full payment made to all the participants then the final buyer of the bill will receive the difference between the discounted price they paid and the full term price received from the final sale of the manufactured article. This is how the speculators will share the profits and help circulate currency before the end product is even sold.


Again, all payments must be made through CashRamSpam who receives 10% of all payments made excepting those returning the speculators venture capital and profit. Any speculator can transfer ownership of a Real Bill to any other speculator simply by signing it over in My Account page. The receiver becomes the recipient of the final payment.  


26th April 2009 CRS